Choosing a ring to fit fingers.

How to choose rings To fit each finger. It has a beautiful ring It also has a psychological value.


Type 1 inch plump - plump hands.


People whose fingers are plump should choose a ring that matches the shape of the ring in a long oval shape pear shape (shape of the world) or square shape but not long. The elongated shape The ring finger, this gives you a solid, not short. View more with light and slender. Or you can put a body scrub plain but colorful and sweet it was. The shoulders of the ring, it should not look like a solid choice. Should be a thin ring shoulder is good oh! And most importantly, do not put the ring on too tight here. It means that the excess with your finger to emerge more clearly here.


Type 2 inches short - short hand.


People who are in this manner If a ring shape is not good, it makes you look inches shorter again. Shaped ring to avoid for most people, in short, is rectangular in shape. And I turned to him with a big heart for a while. Or shape is not very long, stylish, sweet girl with a lovely view. The seat ring for short fingers. Should not be too thin or too thick I would choose something better.


Type 3 inches long - long hand.


Most people who are in this manner, it would be a lanky shape, but do not envy the people who are in this way too. Because the ring finger length is not pretty as you think. Notice the base of the fingers to see that there are quite a few inches of space base. But the big knuckles back Looks like an hourglass shape. Makes it more difficult than in any other ring. When inserted into the ring is attached to direct an inch before reaching the base of the finger. Then loosen the base of the finger. Will ring spun it. The shape that fits inches long, it should pick a style that resembles a crooked line to the sweetness. Or wide and long to fully knuckles. It will inch you see is flesh filled up with water, and also reduces the length of an inch thin with me.


Type 4-inch slender - slender hand.


Oh! Purdue effects here. Considered an advantage over other styles because in that ring, slender fingers. Transverse inch oval shaped rectangular or circular in this way seems to be heeded. But there are a few precautions. Is not to choose a ring that looks very similar to men. Because it feels too hard. Obscured slender fingers to make it look pretty.


Girls see in big bow on the finger, right where you look deep in my heart everyone wants a slender finger to everyone. However, in our mind, we can not fix our weaknesses too. Do not worry For now, let us choose a ring style so do not delay. Return to throw away the ring finger that is incompatible with our common good.




1. Adding moisture to the fingers. It contributes to the wear ring looks pretty slick and cherished up.


2. Should not regularly finishing nail care nails nail holes, torn, broken or flaky. Although we wear rings are pretty and the fingers just do not help me.


3. Care Rings If we are to be wiped entirely or kept away from any dust, it will allow our ring finger double our time here.